Hello, I'm DrakenRyder.
I am an old gamer, Started in the late 70's with Dungeons 'n Dragons and built my collections. I ventured into other role playing games, found that I had an addiction to collecting miniatures and props just for the beauty of it. Not for the games anymore. As my collections expanded I was forced to sell as we moved around the countryside in Sunny South Africa. Moving to the States reawakened my addiction and started collecting again. I discovered 3D printing, and bought almost all of the files available, and I printed them for their amazing designs and colors, however now I have no more space in my basement anymore. And my current wife is not too happy with the overflow. So lessons learnt.. I am parting with my collections again.. All for your enjoyment. Please feel free to contact me if you are looking for a particular design, I may have it somewhere on the shelf.
What's your Favorite Local Game Store?